A straight man who's prefers wine to beer, dressing well to looking like a slob, art, good film, music, and literature to football and action movies. They tend to be well mannered and good cooks. Metrosexuals are also affiliated with the liberal side of the political spectrum. They often reside in urban environments. Some may be extremely girly and frivolous while others maybe more toned down. They are often mistaken for being gay, however they are all extremely confident in their straightness. Many women want a metrosexual, however many prefere a "real" man. However, metros aren't any less tough and can be extremely resilliant to internal and external difficulties. They aren't concerned when someone calls them gay. Most metro's aren't (well dressed) arrogant douchebag's either, that applies to some other category. Corporate asshole maybe? Metrosexuallity doesn't mean expensive designer clothes, just a good overall fashion sense. A negative trait found in many metros is being picky (I'm a big offender). Another negative is that some of this group are a little to obsessed with their appearance and hygiene they can have low self esteem if they feel they don't look right.

Metrosexual men know what they like, in all area's. They aren't gay. Believe me, I am one, I love me some sexy ladies in a beautiful room, in a gorgeous building.
"That guy has style, I hope he's straight," says woman to gay friend.
"But he dresses gay," the gay friend says.
"I'll go find out," she states, walking to the bar where the man is drinking a glass of wine.
"Are you gay, or in a relationship?" She asks
"No, I'm a very single, metrosexual man," The man says.
by TheFreeRunner June 13, 2013
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n. a male that is straight (heterosexual) but appreciates the gay culture and gets in touch with his feminene side. (metro, metrosexuality)
Don't be trippin wit' Clay Aiken off a American IDol. He ain't gay, he a metrosexual.
by John November 1, 2003
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When a straight guy is so in touch with his feminine side, that while at bars, gay men walk up to buy him a drink, and he says, "Thank-ya SHORTAY"
"He is so metrosexual. He has macked his girl, and all the guys dont know it yet. They all think he is waiting for them."
by me October 25, 2003
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1.A straight man with suprising fashion sense. Often misconstrued as being a homosexual.
PERSON 1: "This guys apartment is really nice"
PERSON 2: "yes, it is"
PERSON 1: "No, like...reeeally nice"
PERSON 2: "do you think he's gay?"
PERSON 1: "I thought he had a girlfriend?"
PERSON 2: "He must be Metrosexual"
by metroman February 27, 2005
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A man who claims not to be gay, but acts and dresses like one, only thinks of himself, no-one else matters, reckons he's gods gift. see pranny
Metrosexuals are normally clad with a Ted Baker shirt, Armani Jeans, Ray-bans wearing Calvin Klein aftershave.
by The Scottish Contingent August 13, 2007
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A man who takes care of hisself...well groomed...likes to shop
by mividaloca03 November 11, 2010
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Gay, but without the homosexual part.
Wow! Look at Tom wearing that pink shirt! Even though he is not gay! How metrosexual of him!
by Noob1 March 23, 2010
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