Rio de la plata (Argentina + Uruguay) word for cocaine. Is the diminutive of "mercadería" (merchandise).

synonims: frula, falopa
...Juan´s brain has holes from doing so much merca.
...that cop has merquero (cocaine addict) face
by argentinman July 11, 2008
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Pronounced "MRRH-KUH!"

How the rednecks of the USA pronounce the name of their country. The bastardization of "America."
"I 's from MERCA!"

"Where? There's more than one country in North America."

by Naomi_D February 29, 2008
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an argentinan word used to refer to drugs
"Ay, would you pass me the merca?"
by ElDalaspsicópata June 11, 2019
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The way a fat trump loving american says america. This is caused from your double chin being so massive that it touches your esophagus.
fat dudemerca is the best country for sure.
guy: sure.... whatever you say.
by chunkersdewillis February 23, 2017
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A Half Human, Half fish (Orca). Like a merman, but Orca.
Woah! Toms a Merca!”
by Elliewellie May 5, 2022
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