The eternal universe in which all memes exist and thrive. The Meme-scape is divided into several Meme-lands, each of which is presided over by a Meme-Lord (A person exerting exponential control over the way of the Dank Meme, i.e Shrek, Pepe, Harambe), who exert complete authority in their respective domains and control all the Lesser Memes. The Meme-scape is beyond mortal contemplation and is detached from the world of men. It is virtually impossible for mortals to enter it, although it is possible through the use of Meme-rifts through one dimension to the next.
'The Meme-scape is vast and holds all the dank memes and Meme-Lords'
by iopTanddEnshNahdkF May 26, 2018
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