A healthy, honest and beautiful girl with self confidence.
Who can make something good come out from a bad.
Girl 1 : " you look so Meiyi today''
Girl 2: "awww, thanks.
by samual frank June 12, 2012
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The most amazing person in the world. She will always make you laugh and she has the most beautiful, silky hair. Her eyes draw you in, she’s perfect in every way and she’s good at everything except loving herself. To have a Meiyi as your significant other is a huge blessing, but it comes with responsibility. Don’t break her heart or her loyal army of 4-eyed tentacled followers will eat you alive and strap you down to a burning altar as they shriek Yupiltepeque and Niçard into your dismembered ears. She requires large amounts of physical affection and assurance, but it’ll be worth it in the end to see her smile. Treat a Meiyi well, you’ll never want to lose her.
Jonathan: God that girl there is so fucking hot I want to have her on a gymnasium roof.

Alice: Yeah she’s a Meiyi, half the school is chasing after her.
by jonlicestan c: November 23, 2021
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