MCDLR: Accronym of "Me Cago De La Risa" , an Uruguayan translation of the so called LMAO (Laughing My As* off)
This expresion became popular in the web forums worldwide, as an effective way to mean a high level of laughing due to a funny action, or a joke.
- "DEC 25 = OCT 31"
- "Nice! mcdlr"
by Galas June 15, 2006
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Variation of a well-known McDonald's sandwich, which, as a variation, replaces the usual tomato with rice. Thus the name.

Although a bit weird to eat (the rice often keeps falling off the sandwich), the result is deemed to be certainly original.

When McDonald's representatives were inquired about the origins of such a particular dish, they refused to make any comments.
A: I'll have a McDLR with fries, please.
B: Do you wanna supersize it for $2?
A: Supersize this, dood!
by uKER July 22, 2006
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