Rose Tyler: What's the emergency?
The Doctor: It's mauve.
by LindzTheCanadian July 11, 2008
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Mauve is a feeling of intense "like" that is more than merely crushing on someone, but less than actually "loving them". Someone often mauves someone they really care about but havn't known long enough to be comfortable saying "I love you" to.
I mauve you


Those two are deeply in mauve
by CaptainBadass6000 April 30, 2013
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its like that one sour grape of the rotting apple that looks fresh on the outside but inside its just sad and mean. Burn mauve if you see it
by Smexy-pineapple March 1, 2015
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To be a cry baby or to whine all the time. Boring and shallow
Get your mauve ass away from me!
by TTA13 February 26, 2019
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Mauve is the greatest being to ever step on this Earth. They are the stars while we are simply the meager planets, waiting to be graced with even a glimpse of their presence. Their very being is non-physical, made of pieces of cosmic questions and late-night gazes at the stars. They were crafted from the puzzles that make up a heart- a core. And thus, they understand every beating they hear, they feel so strongly and so brightly, we are left in awe and terror as they weep for an emotion we have never experienced. They see colors beyond our perception and taste the flavors we could not even dream of creating. They are one with the world and the world adores them for it. Their every step and footfall create a new path for the once-blind.
damn r u Mauve, cus ur seggsy aha
by bbgrill November 24, 2021
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Mauve is when you are in a very comfortable atmosphere. You're experiencing nice deep breaths. You're with chill people. Or maybe even by yourself, chill nostalgic music, or maybe just the hum of the night.. very safe, satisfied, and comfortable, kind of like if you've taken a Xanax, but without the Xanax. And, of course, the mood lighting is just right. A candle, floor lights, and back lights of pink, amber, and orange, which gives off this mauve color in the air— you just melt right into it.
The ambience at this get together is so mauve.

Q: How’s your mood today?

A: Feeling very mauve.
by OniTrace March 21, 2020
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Someone whose smile lights up every room she's in. Her hair is beautiful and her eyes are expressive. Her face is kind and her words are sweet. She's hilarious and tells the best jokes. She blushes nonstop even when you're making fun of her. She's easy to like and its dangerous how quickly you may fall in love with her. She may only shower once a week and she may believe that the Earth is flat, but you know she will be important for the rest of your life.
Bro, I think i fell in love in Europe...

Oh shit, was her name Mauve?
by lksdjf;lasd;lgkf September 6, 2021
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