When you masturbate while waiting for someone
Person A: Hey, When are you coming over?
Person B: In about two hours.
Person A: Ok I will have a masturwait
Person B: ewww, You didn't need to tell me that.
Person A: Meh
by fire eater October 25, 2009
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Waiting for everyone in your house to go to sleep to spare having to hear them or them hear you while masturbating.
John: Why the hell are you so tired?
Bill: My brother wouldn't go to sleep, I was masturwaiting until like 2AM for fucks sake.
John: What the fuck is masturwaiting?
Bill: Check urban dictionary fag.
by pseudiddlyeudonymaaaaa August 14, 2010
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The act of masturbating while waiting for a significant other to have sex with.
Alex was masturwaiting for at least 20 minutes before James arrived.
by orlando mun September 21, 2009
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Delaying or stopping in between playing with oneself in order to cause a stronger climax.
His cum shot was 2 feet further after using the masturwaiting technique.
by Zandroid August 19, 2017
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