Someone who is so easy going that they are pushover and easily persuaded to do things that they did not want to do.
"My boyfriend didn't have enough money for pizza...I ended up buying for him and his friends...I am such a marshmallow."
by jallthetime December 2, 2009
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Is also a statment that is said when it's allllllll GOOD!
(whats her face) said she would go out with me, I got an A on my test, and my parents are buying me a car. (sigh) Marshmallow!
by SuperDew October 15, 2004
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A term of derision used by police officers patrolling Williamsburg, Brooklyn (mainly the 94th precinct) for the bohemian or "hipster" interlopers/residents. Related to the fact that they are stereotypically both white and soft.
"police radio crackles": "Car 32, we need you at 242 south forth to break up a party...lotsa complaints"
"Care 32": "Probly justa buncha fuckin' marshmallows!"
by TheChicken December 6, 2009
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A slightly plump girl with a pretty face, nice skin, and usually a very nice set of breasts.
Man, usually I wouldn't be got with a thick girl but that one is a marshmallow!
by Maness August 29, 2007
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A kiss on the lips. Can range anywhere from chaste to full on making-out. Can be used as both a noun and a verb.
Bryce: "Did you marshmallow him last night?"

Sarah: "Of course. Mike's marshmallows are amazing."
by Fallen Rose May 25, 2011
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An excessively overweight white male who is stood up for by other arrogent overweight white persons in society dispite the fact that he is hated by all other people. A fat white boy.
Hey Timmy! Get out of here you fucking marshmallow!
by JSquared May 14, 2006
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