Formerly Known as, Nogtard's Bog. The bog that belonged to Nogtard until it was put on the Maltby Lorry aside the Pork Scotch Cone. A day after the bog claimed residency of the lorry, a packet of ginger found its way into the bog. mmm, ginger.
Nogtard: Nickin me bog then?

Dad: It belongs to the heroes now. It's called the Maltby Bog.
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A place two streets down where Pork Scotch's cones are hidden from him. This lorry never seems to move and neither does the stolen cone.
PORK SCOTCH: Where's my cone? I bet a bloody nigger's stolen it. Wait. What's that on the back of the Maltby Lorry? It's my cone! Who put it there?
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The bin in which Nogtard's bog was dumped by the Rogue Maltbyite. When the bog was discovered by Monk and Mick the dumpster stank to high heaven because of Nogtard's disgusting shits.
Monk: Are we going to get Nogtard's Bog out of the Maltby Dumpster?

Mick: Yes we have to. The Rogue Maltbyite must be beaten. We'll put it back on the Maltby Lorry with a new sign attached to it.
by kenny spoffo-grumpbeetle August 4, 2009
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Formerly known as Millicent Road. Location of the Maltby Lorry and its building and new location of Pork Scotch's Cone and Nogtard's Bog. Home of the Heroes.
Monk: Shall we head to Maltby Road later to see the cone and bog later?

Mick: Yeah, lets leave a packet of Hill Gingers in the bog.
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Maltby employees that aren't heroes. They lost the title "hero" by taking Nogtard's Bog and Pork Scotch's Cone out of the Maltby Lorry. They should be fired. You have to be a hero to work for Maltby.
Mick: LOOK!!! THE BOG'S GONE!!!!!

Monk: OH NO!!! It was obviously Maltby Misfits.
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A small child, around 11 years of age, wearing his trousers low acting gangsta, only to realise he was wearing no underwear.
Man, look at that kid. He's so gangsta he's not wearing underwear!

He's just a boy on maltby skatepark
by Nickinnit April 23, 2009
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A man who often steals young dogs and enjoys playing chicken with young children
Oh hey look he’s a charlie maltby
by Charlienono October 11, 2020
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