When Mufasa gets Maiq to type his name into chat using the .urban command for plusby then will get amazed
Mufasa - type your name using .urban command
Maiq_theliar - ok
Maiq_theliar- woah what the hell you just Maiq_theiar me
by Mufasatheking November 26, 2018
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When Mufasa gets Maiq to type his name into chat using the .urban command for plusby then will get amazed
Mufasa - type your name using .urban command
Maiq_theliar - ok
Maiq_theliar- woah what the hell you just Maiq_theiar me
by Mufasatheking November 26, 2018
Get the Maiq_TheLiar mug.
When Mufasa gets Maiq to type his name into chat using the .urban command for plusby.
Mufasa - type your name using the .urban command
Maiq_theliar - ok
Maiq_theliar - .....
Maiq_theliar - wait what the fuck
by Mufasatheking November 27, 2018
Get the Maiq_TheLiar mug.