An Amazing, Super funny, Girl who can make anyone laugh! She Attends manymany concerts, and everyone LOVES her with a burning passion. Very Attractive and a blond bombshell!! Everyone wants to be close friends with mackenzie but too bad...she already has her besties for life!!
Oh Wow!! That Girls really A Mackenzie!
by whitehorse101 March 27, 2009
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A Mackenzie is a girl you don't want to let go. She is smart, talented, kind, and even though she may not believe it Mackenzie's are beautiful. They light up your life with excitement and make you smile all the time. Whenever you see her you know that it's going to be all right. They are very caring and love hugs, never let a Mackenzie you know go...they will change your life ☺🔥
Shout out to my friend Mackenzie! 🏒❤
Girl 1: "my life is miserable"
by Hockeyislife14 January 7, 2018
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Is a girl with blue eyes brown hair she will light up a room without even talking she denies that she is gorgeous but she dosent like to take complements.Any boy that is lucky to a Mackenzie she is always outgoing and loves to make you smile she will do everything to make sure your okay and don’t hate her she is shy around people that she dosent know and is crazy around her friends but if anybody messes with her friends family or boyfriend she’s gonna be a total bitch and if you lie to her than she’s gonna call you out and make sure everybody know that you can’t be trusted but Mackenzie knows to have information backing up what she says to make sure she dosent look like a dumbass saying it and if she tells you she loves you she really does mean it because she only says it the fewest people
Girl one:I wanna be Mackenzies friend but I hunk she hates me

Girl two:I’m her friend but she’s shy
by Hey you are nice1283 November 26, 2018
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She is the fucking sexiest thing out there she has big fucking boobs and if she finds herself with a guy named chance she is lucky
Mackenzie looks good with chance
by Harry vag ina July 19, 2019
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Craziest bitch you'll ever meet. Stay out of her way, she will fucking eat your ass. She'll shove her hand so far up your colon you'll turn into a sock puppet.
Oh shit, is that Mackenzie?
by wetard awert February 17, 2020
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Mackenzie is actually the incredibly masculine named assigned only to the manliest of men. Because of the generally feminine connotation, it takes a guy who is very comfortable with his masculinity to hold this name.
The considerable length of word also has something to do with manliness, and any man named Mackenzie needs not compensate for ANYTHING. The long, full, solid name shows a particular drive for incomparable performance.
While there are many incredibly attractive girls bestowed with this name, it really belongs to a small but elite class of men who will one day take over the world.
Holy crap, that Mackenzie is one MANLY stud. I can't believe I thought he was a chick.
by MajorMackAttack September 21, 2010
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Mackenzie is a beautiful, goofy, kind hearted girl. She will walk into your life without asking and from that point on will make your whole world perfect. She will always be there for you even when she is down herself. She always puts people's feelings in front of hers before anyone elses and with never let a friend down. She doesn't let many people in but when she does she will never stop caring for you. Mackenzie is a person who you will never stop loving.
Okay Mackenzie is a whole snack
by jennacrackhead August 1, 2018
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