She was, quite literally, a little salty.
What can you say about Lot’s wife? She was from Sodom. A real pillar of her community. She had a good life, though she made some mistakes when she looked back on it. DISCLAIMER: I am not in any way affiliated with the Big G. I don’t know what’s really goin’ on. This is a little shoutout to the Bible literate among you, believers or otherwise. You might even get a little chuckle out of it. Or not, I guess...
by vfuzz March 7, 2019
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Contrary to the term "Grain of Salt," a grain of lots wife refers to the story of Sodom and Gamorah in the Torah, where Lot's wife looks back onto Sodom and Gamorah thus turning her to a pillar of salt.
Jim: Well I can safely say I believe in God and Evoloution at the same time.
John: Well what of creationism? Must the Bible be literal?!
Jim: I believe in that too, just as long as taken with a Grain of Lot's Wife.
John: Nya-ha! I c wat u did der!
by thecoolcanadian November 24, 2010
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