An adjective used to describe a person who, despite doing a huge amount of work to help a woman out, manages to never get any action from her in the end.
I feel really bad for Stuart. Despite doing so much for Emily over the years, she thinks of him as nothing more than a linkish friend and won't give him any.
by TJ Griers March 18, 2008
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Providing links to other references in blogs, e-mails, etc. in order to provide sufficient background information and/or history.
I go back and forth between lurking and delurking.
I'm feeling very linkish today.
by jaimefits November 15, 2007
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Linkish is the type of person who is very good at CSGO

"OMG! Linkish just won a 1v5 OMG!"
"OMG! Linkish just won a 1v5 OMG!"
by yolowinmaster February 5, 2018
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A very good CSGO Player who won against JW
"OMG! linkish just won a 1v5 against JW and his team OMG!"
by yolowinmaster February 5, 2018
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