(On Facebook) When you avoid commenting or clicking the "like" button on the things someone posts because you don't want to let on that you like this person.
Girl: I really like the things this guy posts on his wall but I'm afraid to click "like" because then he'll think I like him... I do like him, but I would rather find other ways to approach him.
Friend: You're such a closet liker. Just be aware that if you avoid liking or commenting then he may think you aren't interested and you won't get his attention. On the other hand, if you "like" too much, then you're a like-stalker and might scare him away… it's a catch-22.
by snowscape January 7, 2011
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a person who had a crush on many peoples and never date them.
Zakeyah: “Mann I like Antonio and Julian but I also like Jamal and Dexter.”
Brianna: “ Sis you’re a liker hoe with all dem boys.”
by Gymnastics 11u01u03 May 23, 2019
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Someone who likes their own facebook post, because no one else will.

Either indicative of a strong personality unashamed to forge against the crowd, or of having no friends.
"You liked your own facebook comment. Who does that?"
"I'm a Lone Liker, and I will create an entry for this on urban dictionary to prove that that's actually a thing."
by Avian020391 October 5, 2014
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A person who likes a post on social media (Instagram, Facebook, etc.) and then immediately unlikes it so that you get a notification that they liked said post but when you go on said social media the like is not there usually with the intent of trolling or playing with the victims mind. E.g. A "Ghost Like"
Guy 1: Dude! Jenny just liked my selfie on Instagram!

Guy 2: Nuh-Uh let me see!
Guy 1: Alright hold on a sec, wait it's not there!
Guy 2: Jenny must be a Ghost Liker
by HazMatCoffee May 26, 2015
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One who likes anything and everything on facebook, essentially going down the newsfeed and 'liking' every fucking thing. At a certain point, if you like everything, do you really like anything?
I know, Daryl's a serious chronic liker. He liked every photo I was ever tagged in yesterday. Plus he liked all of Jamie's statuses from the past year.
by turtal September 24, 2013
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Pertaining to a person liking for the sake of liking on Facebook. One who is promiscuous in their liking.
Anne liked my youtube link to that heavy metal song, even though I know she hates heavy metal. She is such a Liker Mole.
by tanyeah! December 11, 2011
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People who prefer ham sandwich meat over turkey or chicken, have/like small dicks
“Hey charlie what meat do you want on your sandwhich?”

“Dude I want ham.”
“Ew you’re a hammy liker, you have a small dick.”
by Josh Flunding August 12, 2021
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