Someone who updates twitter / facebook / their personal blog (WTF, who owns these? we don't care what you think!) practically every moment, detailing EVERY SINGLE event that happened in their day.

So you're trying to prove to us that you have a life...but you honestly don't. We don't care what you're doing.
A: -twitters- MM, I'm hungry.
A: -twitters- YUM going to starbucks now!
A: -facebooks- Going to my boyfriends now!
A: -twitters later- Giving my bf a bj! GTG!

We don't care. x_X Stupid no lifer.
by Pocketful of Sunshine March 28, 2010
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A best friend that will always have your back that will stick with you to the day you die
Andi and Ava our for lifers
by Brie best friend June 25, 2021
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A Navy acronym (Lazy, Inefficient Fucker Expecting Retirement) used to describe someone who does as little as humanly possible and is just waiting to collect his or her pension.
"That O'Hara is such a fucking lifer. He's so lazy, I bet it's an effort for him to turn in his sleep. Jesus! That fucker moves so slowly you have to look twice just to see if he's moving at all!"

"You're telling me. I heard he's so lazy he married a woman who was pregnant by someone else."
by Jay E. Griffin April 5, 2008
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Someone who spends all of their time doing one thing. Like spending 18/24 hours a day on the computer.
person 1: Did you hear dutch leader just got 85 slayer?
person 2: Yeah he has no life, plain and simple hes a no lifer
by Pwnt noob. July 11, 2008
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(n.) A prisnoer who has been ordered to spend life in prison.
Murderer! Murderer! OJ should at least be a lifer!
by Kung-Fu Jesus May 30, 2004
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a person who is employed at a minimum wage job, and is destined to work there for the majority of their life.
She's going to be a lifer at Tim Horton's.
by dawnage April 29, 2005
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Someone in the military, especially Navy or Marines, who stays in because he's too scared of civilian life. Not all career military are lifers. Someone who is "career" is respected because they stay in because they like it, whereas a lifer hates being in the military but is too scared they will end up sleeping in their car if they get out (which sometimes happens). A lifer is basicly serving a self-imposed life sentence in the military. Lifers will kiss every ass above them in the chain of command and will try to make everyone else around them as miserable as they are.
"Shipmate, are you going to reenlist? We'll make you a yellow shirt."
"No Chief. I ain't a lifer. I'm gettin' a real job."
by Mister Priapus June 1, 2005
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