Lia : Loving, Intellegent, Amazing. You'll never meet a girl as sexy and sweet as a Lia. Put her down though and she will kill you hard core.
"Damn dat Lia is Sexy!!!"
"Damn girl gimme some of dat!!!"
by Just someone who loves you January 4, 2017
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She is the most talented girl I’ve ever met, She is always laughing and making really bad jokes that make you laugh. She know for being strong and scary, but when you meet her you can see she is a delicate as a rose pedal.She usually is common among boys because she has a lot of boy friends.She can turn your world upside down and you always want to have her around
Boy1:This is my Bff Lia!

Lia: Hi!!!

Boy2: WOW you are pretty, and nice smile, nice to meet you!!
by advicefollowliabermudez November 5, 2017
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Lia Is a baddie but can also be sweet sometimes she can be a crackhead but we still gotta love her. Lias tend to be attracted to the letter j. So let that babe go when she finds the right j.
by Just ask shrek!! December 16, 2019
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The most amazing person you'll ever meet, you will always regret losing contact with a Lia, usually seen with a Tyler
Person 1: I'd never ever want to lose Lia, she is the light of my life
by H1123 November 11, 2018
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Lia is an amazing girl, but she doesn't believe it. She can make you feel better just by smiling at you. She is beautiful, and sexy, but she thinks she's ugly. She is a quirky person, and often doesn't make sense, even to herself, but you can't find more fun anywhere else. Lia has the ability to make you laugh whenever she wants, and make you horny even more, she is a very sexual person, but don't mistake her for a whore, she is extremely loyal to her partner. Anyone would be lucky to be friends with a Lia, but get her as your partner, and you're the luckiest person alive. Never wrong her or her friends, because she has a fiery temper for those who get on her bad side.
Example 1

Guy 1: Man, Lia is my best friend! She's amazing, and makes me laugh all the time
Guy 2: Lia?? Dude you're crazy, she almost lit my house on fire when I asked for a blowjob!
Guy 1: She has a boyfriend! You know she's completely loyal to him!

Example 2

Lia: *muttering about dogs being related to candles*
Close friend: Lia what are you talking about?
Lia: Uh.. I dunno.
by Scooter03 November 8, 2018
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Defined chhHhhhhhhhuuu Lia my hentai wife
by Jay3838:&:&:£ March 29, 2019
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the nicest most beautiful grl u will ever meet
she has a nice bod and boys love her
"hey did u see that lia"
"yeah i couldnt take my eyes off her"
by adelena201isssssssssssssssssss December 24, 2008
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