Home of many emo's and wankstas. late night shopping at robina town centre (late night) is a dangerous place for many adults. Many older men have claimed to hate those damn teenagers going to late night. this is backed up ofcourse by nothing.
A. there were more teenagers at late night then last time!

B. what did they do?

A. well nothing, but i still hate them

by skater hot dude man November 3, 2007
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When two or more people meet up any time after 9:30 (or any time after their parents go to sleep) for the sole purpose of smoking a marijuana cigar/cigarette.
Mike - Yo you trying to late night tonight?
Trent - Yeah most def son I just gotta wait till my parents fall asleep or I'll be grounded.
Mike - Sounds like a plan meet me outside.
by Mike Dinizzle February 10, 2009
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Bitches who are called up by horny, drunk guys to begg them to come over and have sex.
Yo where da bitches at?

I don't know, let me hit up some late nights.
by kingoflatenights June 30, 2010
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homosexual men who hang out late at night
Look at them late night ones
by Reginald Johnson September 16, 2003
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An event, person, place or thing that inspires much awe and is generally considered very very cool and quite unique. amazing sweet
You remember the time we got drunk and rode home in that crazy German guy's cab? That whole evening was totally late night!
by Dek-Du March 25, 2005
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A late night lenny is a term used to describe an individual who comes out of hiding in the darkness of night. They are most likely to believe in aliens and any conspiracy theory that is topical at the time. Whilst claiming to be the friend of everyone, secretly, under the spell of the Uncle Cunty, they plot the demise of the local repeaters. Whilst sometimes confused with a cockroach, a late night lenny is different in that they will not survive if put into a microwave oven.
You're such a late night lenny.
Q. How many late night lennys does it take to change a light globe? A. No one knows because when the light comes on they all scatter.
by Kung Of The Duckheads March 10, 2019
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Getting banned for a pedo meme
Normal person: “you are part of Late Night Squad?”
Caynix: “yeah, why?”
Person: “ew, never speak to me again!”
by Ruby is epic January 26, 2021
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