Words could never sum up how she is the most beautiful, sweetest, nicest, most loving girl you will ever meet and has the most gorgeous eyes, and the most beautiful smile ever, anyone who meets/ gets to be with her should consider themselves the luckiest person alive. Everything about her is perfect, she is perfect.
I wish I was still with Lyndee, she was so perfect and the love of my life
by Bamike43@yahoo.com August 8, 2011
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A ratchet ass bitch who knows her way around a boy's body and heart. She has one new friend each month and is scared to get rejected once she learns to love
I am a lyndee when it comes to the streets
by Connor has 6 toes May 26, 2020
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ethen:lyndee tried to push me into the girls bathroom
david: oh..
by no_uqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm October 28, 2020
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ethen:lyndee tried to push me into the girls bathroom
david: oh..
by no_uqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm October 28, 2020
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Probably a 14 year old in 2017-2018. Very childish and probably goth. Listening to alternative rock at the moment. Most likely owns a husky, a cat, and or a lizard.
Stop acting like Lyndee Maine Scott, you emo.
Lyndee Maxine Scott is an odd person
by Lyndee.s January 15, 2018
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The most lovable people they can be difficult but don’t let them ever forget how perfect they are cause even their flaws are great when you meet them in middle school you might not know exactly who they are but after you get to know them you will realize they will forever be a big part of your life and there eyes are like chocolate milk so beautiful you can’t do anything but like it and everyone agrees
Lyndee Stucki is my ex but I’ll never stop liking her ex specially her eyes
by Clank1906 January 17, 2022
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