1. A person, usually a ruler or dictator of a large country who has an undying love for the soft drink kool-aid.
2. A Crazy Person.
3. A sexual position that involves jumping-jacks.
If Kim Jung Il wasn't such a koolaider, he would have nuked the world twice over by now.
by Mike (Ohh So Hot) Rollins August 3, 2005
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1. Someone with a pimping background.
2. A man who has many women at once.
Dag, yo! Did you see Ray-Ray walking down the street with all them womens?! That nigga is a koolaider!
by koolaider January 7, 2006
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1. Drink consisting of water and sugar, and lots of food coloring.

2. Possessions, specifically women and/or money.
You want some koolaid?

You think you can just get into my koolaid?
by mrfer April 7, 2003
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Cyanide laced drink used by cult leader Jim Jones in the 1978 mass suicide of 1913 people in French Guyana.The term "drink the koolaid" is commonly used to infer acceptance or belief in things that are ridiculous.
statement: President Bush said the war was about Osama Bin Laden"...
reply: "OH YEAH, go ahead and drink the koolaid!"
by ScarRitual October 1, 2007
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1.A black mans drink.

2.That one dood who breaks into your house and steals your shit, and tries to get into your pants by saying "Oh yeah".
1.You best back off my koolaid or ill cut you. Nigguh i aint playin, ill cut you.

2.I dont really have one for this one but the definition was awesome.
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term used to refer to your significant other
Something yopu would say to someone hitting on your girl/guy. "Back up off my koolaid"
by menthol4life December 6, 2007
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1. someone's space
2. my space
3. my koolaid
"Dont think you can get all up in mah koolaid because you got expelled and went to another school. mofo."

"get outta my koolaid bitch"
by NinjaTurtleMaster November 4, 2009
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