An awesome guy who is very jealous and stubborn but also loves people at the same time. He has a very good body and most girls want him. All your friends thinks he's gay but he's not
Omg have you seen koleton? Doesn't he have a boyfriend?

No Sam he's straight
by 9inchdick December 13, 2018
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a fat emo gay wad who sexts 24/7 and cant have a relationship without any sexual actions
He can't go without sex? Wow he's such a koleton
by i love gay wads February 3, 2018
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A person who are the homo
Bro 1: Have you seen James? He's such a Koleton?

Bro 2: Yeah bro he even has a boyfriend
by KoletonHater March 22, 2019
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Really intense cyber sex, where both men pretend to be women (primarily Fnaf cosplay).
I think Elizabeth is pulling a dirty Koleton on me.
by Jimmyjhonsiscool April 27, 2023
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