Kepler-442B is a confirmed Super-Earth exoplanet orbiting within the habitable zone of its star approximately 1206 light years from Earth. It is considered by many scientific experts to be the planet most suitable for life (as of July 2021), even more so than the Earth.

General Statistics
Semi-major axis: 0.409 AU
Eccentricity: ~0.04
Orbital Period: 112 Days
Inclination: ~90°
Mean radius: 1.34 R⊕
Mass: 2.3 M⊕
Gravity: 1.3G
Temperature (without a Planetary Atmosphere): -40°C/40°F
Kepler-442B might be the best planet discovered so far for life to emerge, but the planet best suited for humans will likely always be the Earth.
by CheeseCakeFries July 27, 2021
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