10 definitions by CheeseCakeFries

The number that comes after 8,748 and before 8,750. It is a number that is composite, odd, and can be divided by 13 (giving an answer of 673).
Bob: What is 673 times 13?
Teacher: 8,749
by CheeseCakeFries January 16, 2021
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A movie that is ideal for watching with the homies. Additionally, it is a movie that makes you feel connected to its characters, as if you and the movie’s characters are homies.
Person: Let’s go watch Lord of The Rings!
Person 2: Aw yeah with all of them 3D characters it’s basically a Homie Movie
by CheeseCakeFries February 19, 2021
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A snow storm that hit the U.S. State of Texas from around February 15th-17th of 2021. It brought about temperatures in the teens and several inches of snow in some parts of Texas. It was notorious for knocking out power to some 4 million customers (according to one site). It has caused several deaths and likely caused millions of dollars of damage (due to burst pipes).
Person: Hey do you know what’s happening in Texas right now?
Person 2: Yeah there’s a snowstorm in Texas, called the “Texas 2021 Snow Storm”.
by CheeseCakeFries February 19, 2021
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Kepler-442B is a confirmed Super-Earth exoplanet orbiting within the habitable zone of its star approximately 1206 light years from Earth. It is considered by many scientific experts to be the planet most suitable for life (as of July 2021), even more so than the Earth.

General Statistics
Semi-major axis: 0.409 AU
Eccentricity: ~0.04
Orbital Period: 112 Days
Inclination: ~90°
Mean radius: 1.34 R⊕
Mass: 2.3 M⊕
Gravity: 1.3G
Temperature (without a Planetary Atmosphere): -40°C/40°F
Kepler-442B might be the best planet discovered so far for life to emerge, but the planet best suited for humans will likely always be the Earth.
by CheeseCakeFries July 27, 2021
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Emperor Norton (1818-1880) was a resident of San Francisco and self proclaimed Emperor of the United States and later on was the Protector of Mexico.

Born in England in 1818, Norton would spend most of his early years in South Africa. He would then move to San Francisco in late 1849. Norton then became a trader and real estate speculator, and was also one of the wealthier residents in the city. However, he became destitute when he attempted to corner the rice market.

Soon after, Norton decided to proclaim himself Emperor of the United States. He issued various edicts which included dissolving the US Congress, building a bridge in San Francisco, and creating a “League of Nations”.

Soon, people treated Emperor Norton as if he were an actual emperor. They would formally greet him, accept his own imperial currency, and even the Police would salute him.

In fact, the King of Hawaii, Kamehameha V, would recognize Emperor Norton as the sole ruler of the United States.

Emperor Norton was also considered a very progressive man, attempting to peacefully stop an Anti-Chinese riot. He was also very friendly by those who met him.

Eventually, Emperor Norton would pass away on January 8th, 1880. His Funeral was paid for by the Pacific Club, and 10,000 people showed up to pay their respects.
"… he had shed no blood; robbed no one; and despoiled no country; which is more than can be said of his fellows in that line".
- Quote by the Daily Atla Newspaper about Emperor Norton
by CheeseCakeFries June 29, 2021
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A dish originating from México typically consisting of a tortilla with fillings on the inside. These fillings usually include (but are not limited to) meats, vegetables, sauces, and other Mexican ingredients.
Person: I want to order a tortilla with stuff inside of it.
Cashier: You mean a burrito?
by CheeseCakeFries February 23, 2021
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Pink Gold Peach is a variant of Princess Peach from the Super Mario series by Nintendo. She first appeared in a kart racing game called Mario Kart 8 and appeared in several Mario titles after that. She is composed of gold and is colored pink (hence the name), and has a voice somewhat similar to Princess Peach. She is considered by Gaming Youtuber Nathaniel Bandy to be the most unoriginal character Nintendo has ever produced, and is also the bane of his existence.
Person 1: Why does Pink Gold Peach exist? She’s unoriginal and is clearly just a copy of Princess Peach.
Person 2: To be Metal Mario’s girlfriend of course!
Person 1: (Internally screaming)
by CheeseCakeFries June 27, 2021
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