a group of gay brothers who spread purity rings to promote there shity music AKA POP or a band that sucks
that Christian band is so Jonas brothers
by Giggity666666 May 30, 2009
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A group of homosexuals who banded together after they were thrown out of the Republican National Convention in 2004. They decided that it was time for them to spread their gay message with gay songs and gay lyrics. They are fond of performing homoerotic acts on stage, such as penis-fencing and singing remixed ABBA songs with their whiny voices.

It is a generally accepted truth that Disney CEO Robert Iger decided to support the group after the jonas brother with the caterpillar eyebrows slept with him and performed sex acts that aren't even found in the Kama Sutra or Maxim's 365 Days of Sex Mini Calendar.

Like Hannah Montana, they are Disney RoboCo. androids that have replaced their genitals with I Love Mickey tracking-devices/antennas.
fan girl: liek omg i like totally love the jonas brothers. especially like the one with the fugly like caterpillar eyebrows! They make me think of butterflies!

Sensible gentleman: Fuckwad. They're already butterflies.

Fan girl: I hope they'll have secks with me!

sensible gentleman: HI! Skullfucker, they're gay! Besides, they don't have penises: they have DisneyTracker2000s in their crotches.
by Sensible Gentleman September 3, 2008
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A terrible band that was overly commercilized by Disney, even though they have no talent. Most people interested in the jonas brothers are mostly 7-12 year olds with no lives and no taste in good music.
OMG MY EARS!!!! What are you playing, the jonas brothers???

John is such a man slut, I think he is a jonas brother
by MaiaC December 16, 2008
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Prepubescent queers that suck at life and attempting to make music. The youngest queer, Nick, dated Hannah fucking Montana...that says it all.
"Hey Joe, look at that guy over there. What a bod!" says the youngest of the Jonas Brothers, Nick.
"That one over there is even hotter!" said Kevin
by IdOnTlIkEtHeJoNaSbRoThErS September 8, 2008
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An annoying boy band that consists of absolutely NO Straight-Guy fans..
They're only liked because every 10-16 year-old-girl/homo thinks that they're "uber hawtt!!"
Even though they forget the lyrics to a legend's song and don't have very much talent.. they still became extremely famous.. somehow..
The Jonas Brothers (Nick Jonas): Very superstitious, writings on the wall, very superstitious.. ummowajfios
Audience: *Hides laughter and disappointment*
by JonasBrothers=Queers July 18, 2009
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Three sexually confused brothers, who have no talent whatsoever.
They also are extremely unattractive and llok nothing alike.
Ew Hannah Montana is almost as bad as the Jonas Brothers!
by Bethy Ramone October 7, 2008
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