a term of endearment between siblings.; often meaning I Love You
Brian: Good Morning Jerkace!!! I missed you
Stephanie: I love you too Jerkface
by BORSHKNA October 7, 2010
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1. A common "comeback" from one who has been offended by a cunning and witty individual. The insulted feels it necessary to use this phrase as they are usually in the vacinity of the offenders face when they digging for a "comeback".
2. A dominating playa in the gaming world that seems to take joy in insulting others when they are getting man-handled by his weapon. It is usually a scene of carnage adding frustration to the victim of the jerkface.
1. "Jesus, I can't stand to be near you, YOU F***ING JERKFACE!!
2. "Nice hax jerkface, did you get those free with your new pink hand bag and lipstick."
by Playa-Hata January 1, 2005
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One whose face closely resembles the face of a jerk.
"Hey jerkface! You have the face of a jerk!" -Bart Simpson
by Stupid Fat Hobbit June 23, 2004
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Noun: (jirk-faz)

1. Vil
2. Someone acting as Vil would
3. Everyone else
by Inane Thoughts October 8, 2014
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The action of being a jerkface. Being a complete jerk in every sense
Anthony became a jerkface when he stopped talking to her.

Liz: Dude, Matts being such a jerk
Ali: I know. Hes a jerkface
by Weshe January 19, 2009
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apparantly, it's an insult.
"Shut up, jerkface!"

by B Jost February 22, 2008
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A Person Who Is Annoying And Mean. Usually Used As A Comeback, Especially To 'Butt'. A.K.A. Somchy
"Youre such a butt"
by Macie131313 March 10, 2012
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