She’s the hottest bitch alive. Beware.
Damn did you see that girl? Bet her name’s Jerine. Ha!
by Wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk January 4, 2018
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A Word Describing a Unique Badass dude Who is Brave, Awesome and Epic. A Superhero that Doesn't Give a Fuck when it comes to Standing Up for what is right.

He is a good friend, Honest, Attractive, & Very Fucking Hilarious. He is very powerful due to his Ninja Skills
OMG that's Jerin don't mess with him
by Jerine June 25, 2018
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An incel kid.

If you're from Yeovil, and you see an incel, call them a jerin.
by no1jerinhater October 25, 2023
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A person who you cannot differntiate whether male or female
Is that a boy or a girl
Thats a jerine
by Seaman yy May 22, 2017
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A Word Describing a Unique Badass Chick Who is Brave, Awesome and Epic. A Chick Superhero that Doesn't Give a Fuck when it comes to Standing Up for what is right.

She is a good friend, Honest, Attractive, & Very Fucking Hilarious. She is very powerful due to her Ninja Skills given by Bruce Lee and Unicorn power like Abilities given by tumblr.
Guy1: DUuuuDE! did u see that!?!?

Guy2: See what!???

Guy1: JERIN! yo the chick i was talking to you about, she just stood up for this girl being bullied by 3 guys in front of the whole school cant believe u missed it.. *sigh* Jerin,Jerin shes so hot.

Guy2: Whaaaat!? woah Yep, She did it once again Thats Jerin.
by arealcoolperson September 28, 2011
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a very hot guy and have a 15" dick and a indian
omg look at jerins dick its huge
by jerin December 26, 2007
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Jerin is a Multimillionaire and a simp.He has many cars and is also known The Chairman
who's that?
Oh, thats our beloved Chairman Jerin
by ith_njn_ada_jp_funde May 1, 2022
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