Indiana A town of near 8,000 with a main street full of empty buildings and filled with people dieing to get out. The main attraction is Shakamak State Park, where all the redneck kids hang out and go swimming. There is a library, a grocery store, gas stations, and very few restraunts in Jasonville. The nearest city is 45 minutes away, Terre Haute.

The people are generally white, blue collar, and usually completely hopeless. Most of them, of course, are too uneducated to care. If you are the least bit unique, you will probably get your ass kicked in Jasonville.
Businesses rarely last more than three months in Jasonville.

Everyone wishes to move out of Jasonville.
by theplainjane April 30, 2005
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shitting on your ex's carpet before leaving after you break up.
courtney threw me out last night so i gave her a jasonville farewell before leaving.
by B.House July 12, 2006
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