The couple with this ship name is perfect. Everything about this couple is literally amazing.
person 1: awwww jamien is so cute. look at them :,))

Person 2: Well yeah, they’re absolutely freaking perfect :,))
by Damienmuahhahaha June 21, 2021
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A boy who's charismatic and outgoing. This is someone you can trust and will almost always have your back. Matures quickly, yet still loves having that kid-spirit. Usually good looking and shredded. A boy who also cares very much about his hair/hairstyle, and always needs confirmation about most things that go on in his life.
You can always trust Jamien.
by Otter Space June 12, 2018
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A girl who is intelligent, yet silly. A girl who is cold on the outside, yet warm and cuddly on the inside. A girl who tell her friends everything, yet she has many secrets hidden. A girl who is a great friend, yet a worthy advesary if you are not a friend of hers. A girl who is extremely sweet and innocent, yet she kicks someone's ass when necessary.
by jammminn' November 6, 2009
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Statistically speaking he is at least 6 feet tall (with shoezies on) and he is able to back up this claim with his vast knowledge of the law and facts. But fucking, he may just be one of the coolest and funniest specimens you'll ever meet and he is able to recite several Eminem songs on the spot, including: Not Afraid, Godzilla and Rap God. Known for his catchphrases "On god", "Bet", "NO, NO, FUCK YOU!" and "I take law, ya know." A true Gigachad.
Scott Joplin: JamieN is a true homie frfr.
by saint_jon February 7, 2022
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When a guy with massive fingers works over a woman like he’s doing a full car service, only to finish after five strokes and not being able to make her cum.
*gril to her friends* I mean he’s great, but he’s a bit of a dirty jamien
by User191863 June 20, 2021
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