Flamer- A male who seems gay, but is not.

Icer- A female who seems lesbian, but is not.
Nice Preppy Girl 1- Omg, that guy is so nice.
Preppy Girl 2- Yeahh, but he's soooo flamingg.
Preppy Girl 3- Major flamer!

Preppy Girl 1- Eww she is such an icer!
Preppy Girl 2- Yeah, how can her boyfriend put up with that??
by Skylina69 February 5, 2011
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Police officers cold as ice. Emotionless, subservient slaves. Who would rather put you in the ground than give you a day in court!

The name given for police in the short story CLANS. By Gocni!
Mavrik: dude what happened to Razor?
Saul: the Icers got him, they put him in the dirt
Mavrik: shouldn't have went alone Icers don't mess with us when we're in a group
Saul: Icers took away his tomorrow
Mavrik: they have a job to do listening to what the computer says!
Saul: guess we're all expendable youth
by MavrickSauls September 19, 2014
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