A person who excessively uses hash tags in everything they do. Also someone who uses hash tags that are a paragraph long.
"omg Bethanne I just had the most delish bologna sandwich! I've gotta post about it!". Status update: I ate a bologna sandwich so much yum! #delish #socks #mayoattacktothemax #bread #nomnomnom #pig #beef #horse #fowl #mybolognahasafirstnameitsoscarmybolognahasasecondnameitsmayerilovetoeatiteverydayandifyouaskmewhyisay #yum #pink #meat #pinkmeat #meatpink #meetcute #hashtag

"Wow Bridgette-Jo you're such a hashtag abuser"
by I'm_relevant August 3, 2014
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#when #someone #uses #so #many #hashtags #they #begin #to #lose #touch #with #reality
Hashtag abuser: Omg just ordered a large frappucino #yolo #beverage #drink #swag #ilikecoffee #rtifyoudoto #yayfordrinks
by xbox_bash August 3, 2014
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A person who abuses the use of hashtags, typically on social media, either without proper understanding of its meaning, or just purely spamming of hashtags.
Spiderman uses so many hastags in his instagram posts, he's such a hashtag abuser. #ootd #yolo #swag #hastag #abuse #random #sexy #spiderman #web #shooter #gwendied #sad #imissher #wooooooooooooooooooooo #taghash #thighgap #anorexia #comics #marvel #Disney #sucks #YAY
by KHORBS August 3, 2014
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Someone who uses hashtags excessively and is thirsty for likes and followers.
Hannah is such a hashtag abuser!
by jurnbone28 August 3, 2014
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One who uses hashtags excessively or creates hashtags incorrectly by using a series of words that would not like be used by anyone other than that person
Beth is a hashtag abuser because she uses a tremendous amount of of hashtags for simple pictures.
by pseu_DAY_nym August 4, 2014
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When you overuse the hashtag symbol, especially on non-Twitter/Instagram apps. Includes having more hashtags than words in your post, adding the prefix "insta" to everything, tagging things that aren't really related, and making hashtags longer than sentences.
FB post: Staffing the ambo today, looking forward to a great shift. #ems #fire #firedepartment #fireandrescue #instafire #instafirerescue #instagood #crossfit #hangingwiththecrew #workinghard #idonthatemyjob #skillstopaythebills #hustleandflow #bringinhomethebacon

"Man that's some serious hashtag abuse."
by user_name July 28, 2014
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Someone who uses 8+ hashtags.
Hannah is such a hashtag abuser, on her last selfie she was like, " #selfie #goodlighting #deleting #sexy #likeit #what #liveitup #air #hair #eyes #face #yaaasss "
by heyy.tayy August 3, 2014
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