The most beautiful and kind of people, too easy to fall in love with, has the most amazing eyes.

Often has the ability to make you feel better no matter how down you are or shit things have gotten.
Such a special person is almost as rare to find as this name is.

Must be careful as Harbans can sometime become confused incorrectly with Herbert the Pervert. This isn't fair as although his sense of humour can be dark sometimes, it is always in good taste and (almost...) never serious.
Girl: Ugh I feel soooo shit... I need some cheering up.
(Sees Harbans in the distance and a smile begins to creep onto her face)

Harbans: Hey, you seem down? Let's hang out and make that pretty face of yours smile!

Girl: Oh OK!!! :D
by angryfloridaaaaaaa October 24, 2009
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An asian name, often given to a male with long hair and geeky tendencies as well as liking to screw a lot despite being unable to perform to his own desires. Generally a funny person, and well loved by most who meet him after they get past his initial obnoxious over confidence!
A handsome person, but is often oblivious to their own beauty. Also a selfish person, who does not value or appreciate those around him fully.

Fails to make the most of opportunities and often realises too late what he actually has.

Sometimes perverted and often takes such jokes too far.
"That totally gorgeous self obsessed guy over there yeah? He's sucha Harbans"
by ladeelooserlikeyou October 21, 2009
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