A chocolate penis.

Derived from the first known manufacturers, the Hamnett Novelty Confectionery Co.
Tony disgusted his colleagues by lasciviously eating a Hamnett in public.
by Ditchling Dan March 1, 2004
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He tried many quack remedies to compensate for his Hamnett
by Seaford Sam June 24, 2004
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An abnormally small penis; diminutive of 'HamptonWick', cockney rhyming slang for prick. An aLlernative spelling is Hamnett.
Arnold bought a Humvee to compensate for his hamnette
by Seaford Sam June 24, 2004
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a pathological fantasist; a Walter Mitty type
Tony thought he wasthe world's greatest lover. What a Hamnett!
by Harry Hassocks May 10, 2004
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