The attraction to women or femininity. This is a sort of polite way of asking sexual orientation. If a man is gynephilic, he is heterosexual. If a woman is gynephilic, she is homosexual.
Harold: Damn, Lisa is so hot.
Don: Good luck with that, dude, she's gynephilic.
Harold: She's what?
by thewhiterabbit13 December 27, 2011
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A strange fetish where a younger male has sexual desires or is sexually attracted to an older female person.
Robert: John's acting kinda fishy around that lady over there. Looks like he's checkin her out.

Mark: Really?

Robert: yeah

Mark: Whoa, isn't she like 7 years older than him or something?

Robert: be Gynephilia kickin in then.... damn.

Mark: what's that mean?

Robert: when a guy gots the hots for an older woman
by farukhan July 16, 2010
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