A futuristic space-based weapon resembling a giant orbiting Calypso steel drum which is miraculously capable of transmitting high-intensity sonic bursts in the vacuum of space to destroy land and sea-based targets on the ground.

The Gundrum is sometimes used as part of an array in order to inflict uncompromising devastation upon multiple targets simultaneously.

Depending on the angle of reflection of the orbiting Gundrum with respect to the Sun, the Gundrum can also double as an accurate incinerating death-ray.
"Wow, that conflict was over quick once they deployed the Gundrum!"

"The maker of rules, dealing with fools, this thing will zap you blind!"
by Leftoriem4-ever September 28, 2022
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A person who likes a drum-roll as the gun goes off; a specialized weapon made from scraps of a drum; the big bang,boom theory; a new kind of drumstick; leg of a bird that looks like a gun.

A bossy,arrogant person; one who doesn't know the definition of the word "love" nor cares to; disorganized;creative;educated;user of people

MEN: uses women; over confident; selfish
WOMEN: meek supporter, strong willed, excellent cook
Hey! Does that Gundrum have volumn control?
Wow! I had no idea that Gundrum was made from scraps. Looks kind of stupid and bulky.

Get a glimpse at that bird with the weird legs..looks like it's going to go off any moment. Oh, it has Gundrums.
by Mrs. Know-it-all February 3, 2010
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