1.) Someone who can't take a punch.
2.) A band that owns you.
1.) That mothafucka's a glassjaw, he can't take a hit nigga.
2.) Glassjaw esta para todavia.
by D to the G June 22, 2004
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band the redifined music
by Carl Tice November 5, 2003
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a kickass band who i fell in love w/ from the moment i heard em.
glassjaw truly makes anyone want to die of happiness in concert.
by mmmuuusssaaaccc kid July 31, 2003
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a band that had the best record of all time (EYEWTKAS) then kind of softened up. they're still awesome, but their first album was better
as long as your mouth is shut, you'll still be fuckin beautiful
by Jimmy Urine October 16, 2003
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A band, my favorite band, that once you start listening to them, you realize its the most meaningful music out there. The frontman, Daryl Palumbo, lyrics are so full of anger and hatred for his past "loves" He has even more sadness and rage for the disease he suffers, making this band the best band ever.
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1) Jaw made of glass.

2) Extremely brilliant. Great. Erm, yes.
by IkeM October 20, 2003
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