Popularized in the 2008 viral video "The Horribly Slow Murderer With the Incredibly Inefficient Weapon" by director Richard Gale, the Ginosaji is an unstopping and immortal spoon wielding demon who kills his victims, in this film Jack Cucchiaio slowly by slowly, relentlessly hitting them with a metal spoon. Slow slowly, in fact, that the "murder" takes the rest of the victim's life. It is important to note that Jack's family name is Italian for "spoon" and Ginosaji literally means "silver spoon" in Japanese.
Some theorize that there is, in fact, no "Ginosaji," and the film is a clever and humorous commentary on learning to accept aging and eventual death. The protagonist, whose family name is "spoon", is being attacked by an assailant whose name is also "spoon". He may be in fact trying to fight his own aging and mortality, so engrossed with battling his own inevitable aging and death that he fails to live "in the moment" and instead of living, slowly "dies to death" throughout his life. Thus the "Ginosaji" is actually "created" by an individuals own denial of their mortality and insistance on fighting death rather than embracing life.
Amber just got a face lift, she spends so much money fighting her ginosaji.
by birdmaru April 20, 2013
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A slow, steady, relentless force that cannot be stopped, much like water slowly eroding rock over time.
That guys techniques are not very effective, but he is a Ginosaji, he will win by pure perseverance.
by ranger456 November 12, 2009
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