Kid: "Dad, can we get movie theater-butter popcorn? It's 2 for $5."

Dad: "Oh what the hell, why not..."

Kid: "Really!? You really mean it!?"

Dad: "Calm down, calm down... don't get a big DICK!"


"Bobby got that girls number so now he keeps getting a big dick about it."
by thegetawayplan9 January 7, 2010
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Someone is getting a big dick when they try to prevent you from doing something you really want to do, when they get heavily angered/saddened at something small, or a mixture of both.
Person 1: "I need to leave work 30 minutes early tomorrow."

Person 2: "No. I don't give random breaks to my employees, who the hell do you think you are?"

Person 1: "Don't get such a big dick about it."

Person 1 to Person 3: "Wow, our boss was getting a big dick earlier."
by Chris Hardin February 10, 2009
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Keep yourself under control. Chill the fuck out. Stop acting like a douche.
Kids...."can we have movie theater popcorn"
Dad...."how much is it"
kids....."two for five dollars"
dad..."ahh I guess"
kids..."yaaaayyyy yaaayy"
dad..."calm down, calm down!!....don't get a big dick!!!!"
Tourettes Guy
by mrwhitefolkspimpsnsuch December 6, 2013
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When someone hollers at a girl. he can say come and get this big dick. its also a not so popular catch phrase for getting girls. When used on a girl, expect a slap in the face or a roll of the head
(Guy) Hey Girl come get this big dick.

(Girl)wtf u say boy ((slap))

(Guy) girl why u gotta be like that
by muamoo August 23, 2010
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When someone get's tpp excited over the smallest things or nothing at all
Paul was getting a big dick over nothing when he heard that Roy got the new 3DS
by The Cool Bro July 5, 2011
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