An evil imaginary being, which can only be seen in a state of high (though sometimes in drunkness as well), which drains university/college students of their money through the traditional methods of collecting called tuition. First sighting occured at Simon Fraser University, more occurances are believed to occur at SFU and elsewhere.
Sober guy:"Dude I'm broke"
High guy:"YOu must've been ripped off by the tuition genie"
by MC the evil french clown May 21, 2008
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The act of rubbing your ass to release gas.
Was going to a party and my gf warned in the car ride - “DO NOT release the genie tonight”.
by dipdipper12345 November 17, 2021
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''Genie mac, does it really cost that much for a sandwich''
by Bec123456789 May 23, 2005
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after a long night of over drinking, one vomits so hard they shit themselves as well.
the room smelt fouly of puke and shit after jamie had a screaming genie adventure all over the dorm room.
by lauren<3 January 29, 2004
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When playing a poker game, the Table Genie is the person at the table who seems to have all the luck go their way. They hit every flop, make every draw, and continue to get the nuts up against the semi-nuts. They are virtually unstoppable and should be avoided at all costs, else you will end up sitting on the ringside cursing the Table Genie.
Phil: Damn, I just busted out of the tournament when my Pocket Aces got cracked.
Mike: Ouch, what happened?
Phil: The damn Table Genie called me with 72 off suit and flopped a full house.
Table Genie: Owned!!
Phil: ::cries::
by au4040 December 11, 2006
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The definition of all things beautiful. Is loved and should be loved by everything and everyone. Lowkey the main protagonist.
“Did you see that girl?”
“She’s cute, isn’t she?”
“After seeing bread genie, my standards have shot up!”
by The real Bread Genie May 26, 2021
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When a guy is doing a chick up the ass, right after he blows his load, she yells "Make a wish, bitch!" and blows out a mist of cum and shit all over him.
He was stunned when she said she wanted anal, but even more so when the screw ended up with a Steaming Genie.
by Anlah Halle Aislynne Ozone January 16, 2009
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