Fry is related to Tripping on Acid. When you are Hallucinating on Acid your Frying. So in life when you see something that makes you think outside of the box, or an Awesome Aesthetic, it can be considered Fry.

You can also use Fry as a term of endearment, seeing as though you usually only do Acid with close friends.
The sunset is looking real Fry right now.

What up Fry?

That outfit your wearing is most Fry my Fry!
by meta0747 November 11, 2009
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to make fun of someone by talking about their negative characteristics. Maryland/D.C. area

"Im about to fry your...big forehead lookin"
by Christopher A. November 9, 2005
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a sweet or form of weed dipped in pcp or other enhancing drug to create a bigger and better high than the weed by itself
from the song "steal off on 'em" if yo girl got drunk and decided to smoke fry steal off on em
by c-ren August 17, 2003
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"Fry" is internet slang, which means "For you". It is mainly used in the app. (For you is like the musical.lys "Explore" page)
Your video got on fry!
by .ayylmao. July 27, 2018
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Fry is usually the nickname of a male resembling the physical and mental characteristics of Philip J. Fry, a character from a television series called Futurama.

Fry= "Almost not stupid"
A Fry is characterized as simple, sweet, naïve and immature and lacks the intelligence required for articulating his emotions, despite his low intelligence, Fry is a very caring and kind hearted person who often goes out of his way to help his friends, even if he is sometimes oblivious to their problems. He tolerates all of his friends' quirks Although at times lacking in self-awareness, Fry always tries to do the right thing and fix his mistakes.
Fry- "oh sorry guys I didn't realize"... Fry's mate- "havin' another one of your Fry moments aye Fry?" ;o)

Classic Fry moment: after being told he is almost not stupid, he comes back after a few hours and says: "Oh, does that mean I am stupid then???"

Fry: "I guess what I'm trying to say is"... ..."blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah".... "does that make sense to you?".... Fry's mate- "stop being being a fry Fry, are you fried again?"... "don't be a fry all your life!"
by Fry/VW6IN3/Marco/Carcus/Mucus February 23, 2010
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a delicious food made of deep fried potatoes and salt. often times served at burger king because they go good with a nice whopper, but they are also known to be VERY high in carbohydrate and often clog arteries. homie dont play dat. often commonly known as "french" fries...or, freedom fries if you're a republican.
i went to mcdonald's and ordered two super-sized french fries. now i'm beginning to wonder why i have such high colesterol and why i had two heart attacks last month.
by __tell_it_like__it___is___ December 20, 2004
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A.To get pissed off, upset, generally disturbed, or to throw a shit fit.
B. To express discontent
Oh Pow, NP is frying because I don't believe in god!
by POWTMC December 15, 2006
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