Think of something that is
a) Affectionate
and b) Non-sexual.

Whatever you think of, is what a fluffle is - it's different for every person.

One of the more common interpretations is hugging someone and ruffling their hair.
* Cameron fluffles Kate - Hi there!

* Cameron gives Kate a good fluffling.
by Cameron September 14, 2004
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An IRC/IM emote term representing a playful, non-sexual sign of affection.

The usual physical analogy is a ruffling of someone's hair, though in the medium of text-based electronic communication, the term does not require physical form and remains equally valid as an abstraction.

Indeed, at the very highest level of abstraction, a fluffle not only need not have a physical analogue, but need not be directed at a specific individual. Used in this way (3), fluffling becomes a general outward radiation of affection.
1) * Tactical_Grace fluffles Unfree

2) Random_Player > Fluffles to all :)

3) * Unfree fluffles
by Tactical Grace June 11, 2005
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A sign of affection over the internet. Like you're fluffling a pillow.
by synth March 26, 2004
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An IRC/online term of endearment and/or teasing
/me fluffles Seamie and skips off happily
by SyxPak March 3, 2004
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A random mixture of hugging, cuddling and cadoodling. A friendly gesture of love.
by Bulls July 30, 2003
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