It is a mix between fibber and liar. It is something to call someone after they have told a lie.
Johnny: I didn't steal the cookies from the cookie jar.

Mom: Johnny, you are a rat faced fibbler.
by Alliekins66 December 27, 2010
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Like the Super villain The Riddler, only this person tells lies instead of asking riddles.
I thought you said it was huge, or did the fibbler say that just to get me in this utility closet with him?
by Brold July 17, 2009
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When a person tickles the backside of someone's scrotum and also the gooch/taint while saying, "TWITTY FIBBLER!" One can also perform twitty fibbler on themselves, although this is frowned upon in some societies.
"I don't wanna have a boring night....give me a twitty fibbler!"
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