Someone who is always caught wearing fedoras or hats
Patrick stump is a fedora whore
by Music obsessed 3322 November 30, 2017
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A slang term for one of your mates
Hey! Have you seen fedora jones?
by IsaacSanchez December 7, 2016
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a common male who often complains about being in 'the friend zone' complains about rude men getting all the ladies when they are also rude to women
girl 1-mark stopped talking to me when i said i had a boyfriend
girl2-yeah hes a real fedora fucker
by Queen-Bitch October 4, 2014
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One of several betas in a woman's harem of friend zoned "men." Usually identifiable by their pinstriped target fedora and whispy chin hairs.
"Keep white knighting that girl and you're going to end up being one of her fedora troopers bro."
by Livin4christ February 28, 2014
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A disease which causes an aura of douchieness to be given off by people who ware fedoras, the only known cure is 180 hours of community service, it can be caused by even a second of contact with a fedora.
"Hey go ask Tim what he wants for dinner."
"NO! Last time I talked to him his Fedora Aura made me go into a blind rage!"
by Nilgodmode December 27, 2013
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a group of irrational, often vindictive pseudo-intellectual autists, spewing childish, self righteous, idealistic, and often ill informed non-sense about topics they understand little to nothing about. There is often not immediate thought put into the argument, and it will often be in support of who or whatever the perceived underdog is.
GUY 1: "Trying an 89 year old Nazi isn't about 'justice', it's about constantly reminding Europeans of the Holocaust, guilting them into thinking that they owe the Jews (and other minorities) something. Instead of looking at the Holocaust through the lense of Judeo-Christian ethics, we should look at this through the lense of the pagan European ethics. I seriously doubt our pagan ancestors would have been so guilted by this. They might've even celebrated the removal of these foreign, destabilising invaders."

GUY 2: Oh sh*t, there's a fedora party going on in this thread.
by adman86 June 22, 2014
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a euphoric male wields the mighty fedora to demonstrate his superiority other his fellow men and gets all the girls
Guy 1: How did fedora boy get laid last night?
Guy 2: Because fedoras tun girls on.
by COREY February 17, 2015
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