a female, usually single teenage parent who spends all her time on facebook wether it be on the computer or mobile phone leaving the kid to sit drink bleach or whatever, while still in a nappy that was put on god knows when. as they find being a parent isn't all it's cracked upto be.
"i went to _______ house last night and the baby was sat there in it's chair covered in yesterdays dinner with a shitty nappy while all she did was sit on facebook"

"yeah i know she's a right facebook mom that one"
by MosiahB June 6, 2009
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Usually named karen , susan , thelma , etc. posts redneck and minion memes
vania: my mom is such a facebook mom
me: yea, she’s posted 9 minion memes already today.
by ramennoodletampons February 23, 2020
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A woman who refuses to watch her children because she doesn't feel like she has to. She pawns her kids off on any unsuspecting grandma, aunt and uncle around to get out of her parental duties. Will completely ignore her child and it's safety unless someone points it out to her or if she thinks she can get Facebook likes from their pain. Will post an ugly duck faced picture with their kids every other day to make it seem like she actually spends time with them.
She's such a Facebook mom. Her skids get hurt because she won't watch them and she posts about the " accident" on Facebook.

Why is she letting her kid eat cat shit? OOh she's a Facebook mom she'll post about it in an hour.
by Kayelizabeth7 March 14, 2017
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A mom who takes photos of them self with high angle, posts a lot on Facebook, picture perfect in photos, and always uses LOL. A Facebook mom posts so much on facebook and is on their phone a lot, even though they always tell their kids to get off of theirs.
Jerry: Omg my mom is such a Facebook mom!

Alice: yeah, she always makes us take photos and is on their phone.
by Mr.clean_1023 November 23, 2020
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A ‘White’ simple redneck soccer mom. Sometimes these moms can be ‘racist’, ‘homophobic’, and yes these moms vote for trump
Josh: Hey John you know you have a Facebook mom?
John: Josh my mom just fucking died
by pantyshotlover69 December 12, 2019
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Listen it could be the other definitions on here but for MY purposes it’s just a teasing term for an aunt, mom, sister even, grandma, or whatever lady in your life that angles the photo above their head to get that *pose* for Facebook to post an update of “Christmas cookies with the family 💕💕💕💕” or “just got my hair done with these girls!!!! They don’t seem too excited... lol”. Yah know, just good old moms on Facebook being moms on Facebook. Not too complicated.
When it’s thanksgiving and your mom somehow angles it with the *pose* with both her smiling and you’re in the background lookin the worst you’ve ever looked slaving over a bowl of mashed potatoes and then she captions it with something like “Working hard lol”. That’s MY version of a Facebook mom
by Yo ma m a December 8, 2019
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A term to recognize a group of entitled middle aged women who think that the world revolves around them. IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT, KAREN.
by l a w n m o w e r November 8, 2020
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