An individual who, when they have completed an act they are

proud of, posts it multiple times as their status on a social

networking site until they feel they have earned enough

attention for it. FaceBraggarts are most commonly Attention

Whores too.
Mitch: Jake posted about his fight five times on FB last night

Alec: He only got 1 like on the first three, but the fourth and fifth got him a few comments.

Mitch: That kid is a serious FaceBraggart
by Me and Mr. Split May 2, 2011
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The act of posting only statuses that depict you as happy wealthy and wonderful.
If I see Darla facebraggart one more status about her perfect day, dinner, hot tub or carribean vacation Im totally gonna defriend her.
by scarpettasautopsy June 21, 2009
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