A Saying which is used to take the piss out of a person with a huge head, Manchester slang, an Ad-lib of the word Godzilla which is the scary monster off some film so by calling some one Fodzilla your basically insulting there hugeeeee head ^.^
Person 1: OMG did you see that girl on urbis?
Person 2: Who, Fodzilla?
Person 1: The one with the huge head?
Person 2: yeahh fodzilla
by Ambrawr August 3, 2011
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A person with a huge head manchester slang term
nicholas mcabe is known as fodzilla to his foes
by ivona tinkle January 3, 2005
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Fodzilla's all worked up over decent healthcare. Too bad we have to cover all the gullible, unpatriotic asshatards who're fighting it.
by fukulator October 8, 2009
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A word used to insult those whose forehead is beyond measurement.
by @DRYPOTATO February 27, 2012
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someone with an incredibly high forehead bigger than Godzilla
Damn he has such a big fodzilla
by Lewis Painter 12 March 26, 2018
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