When someone uses too many exclamation points in a paragraph, or uses unnecessary exclamation points, and you want them to explain why the need for all the excitement.

Common side effect: Topic ADHD
Jenny: Hey! I went to the mall today! Puppies are funny! Want to see a movie! I'm eating pretzels!

Rachel: Uh, explanation point....

Jenny: I drank 9 Red Bulls

(other typical answers include: I'm drunk/high/just met my dream guy etc)
by ItsMeHiHi December 14, 2009
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ideally seeking to find the simplest and most likely explanation. In a logical reasoning.
their is no logical explanation to what you said
by nelsha moha December 3, 2015
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The result of having three caucasion adult males fucking each hole of a singular caucasion female specimen.
"Did you hear about that caucasion explanation that happened last night in my dorm? "

"Yeah that sounded hot as fuck!"
by BEPOPEBO October 14, 2021
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gurl1; leettz hang out pleesshh ?!!
gurl2; holla ! im so0o0o excited ; explanation point !!!!!!!!!
by maureeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen! September 26, 2009
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ideally seeking to find the simplest and most likely explanation. In alogical reasoning.
their is no logical explanation to what you said
by nelsha moha
by nelsha moha December 3, 2015
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The reason your homie failed no nut November is because he wasn’t strong enough to survive. Although it was for a good reason as I told him about Riley Reid on porn hub and how to make a fake flesh light. you get a glass, put sponges around the inside then put some rubber gloves into it to fit ur dong size. You should try it! Use this to explain to someone as to why you failed no nut November.
Some dude: yo have u failed yet
The other guy: um yeah......
Some dude: dude wtf ur weak bruh
The other guy: read this NNN fail explanation, cunt
by Stop giving it the biggun November 12, 2019
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