The theory that life forms change over time that is now being more widely accepted as the Law of Evolution.
For those idiots out there who argue with it on accounts of "But why are there still apes then?" or "Do you have any idea how unlikely it was for a single cell to evolve, our entire world too?"
you can easily go on believing that we humans were created by a god to be the dominant species on Earth, or you can face the fact that sooner or later a new type of human will emerge.(As long as we don't screw the planet up too badly before.)

Also; the chances? Not very high, but considering the fact that there is a chance and that it has happened don't you think that it probably already has? And will? Countless times? But then again why the hell should we humans care, we only live 80 years or so.
Creationist- "Evolution IS LIE!"
Any other person- facepalm
by TheAlienSmiley:D January 18, 2011
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Any change in an organism or population, there is no such thing as good or bad evolution.
Grey bugs survive better on grey rocks than black bugs, this is evolution.
by Loller July 9, 2003
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1. Gradual change in life over millions of years, confirmed by both genetics and fossils. Anyone who's seen the evidence and still denies it likely has religious motivations.
2. Something that is clearly going downhill in the Bush family.
Homo habilis was a major milestone in the evolution from ape to man.
by Jason Kossmann October 19, 2006
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The general idea of evolution is that if a million monkeys bang a million monkeys they’d eventually produce a Shakespear.
If we are going to teach creation science as an alternative to evolution, then we should also teach the stork theory as an alternative to biological reproduction.
by Mr. Dum November 20, 2006
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To evolve every day you evolute as a person as explained by jah (xxxtentacion)
If you are evoluting physical but not mental you are not doing the right thing
by Sassy snake February 11, 2019
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A dis-proven hypothesis, which still has large support in the "scientific" community. This is purely due to the reason that people simply wants to believe in it, as it entitles them of no moral responsibility whatsoever.

The hypothesis says, that all species evolved over time from a single common ancestor, through gradual beneficial variations, which has accumulated over millions of years.

This hypothesis is invalid due to the following:
The eye, ear and any other irreducibly complex systems could not have evolved by "slight beneficial variations" as each part is completely and utterly worthless if simple one of the pieces are missing.
Many more scientific counter-evidences can be presented, though the above should be enough for any honest supporter of evolution to abandon the hypothesis.

This logical evidence disproving evolution has not posed much of a problem, due to the fact that supporters of the hypothesis have suspended the use of logic and rationality.
The supporters of evolution have, in their desperate search for evidence to back up the hypothesis, uncovered more than 100 million fossils, all showing that species appeared suddenly, out of nowhere and fully formed, not by gradual changes.
The few so called transitional forms that have been uncovered are simply birds with teeth claimed to come from dinosaurs, dogs with wider tails claimed to be whales and humans with slightly smaller skull capacity claimed to be apes.

These overwhelming empirical counter-evidences have caused the supporters of evolution to become fanatic in their belief, and the "scientific" hypothesis has moved away from science and turned into more of a religious belief.

Evolutionist propaganda can be found in any biology text book, where the dis-proven hypothesis is portrayed as fact. The propaganda authors loves to demonstrate the evolution of man from ape with a line, showing a chimp morphing into a human. This line is totally fictious, a product of the authors imagination and has no basis in the fossil record.

Many supporters find the lack of evidence so embarrassing, they have crafted fossils to prove it, such as piltdown man.

Facing this utter lack of evidence, and abundance of counter-evidences, the supporters of evolution simply attacks any one questioning the hypothesis, refusing any kind of debate and simply labeling the refuter as a "Religious fanatic!!!". They try to portray the hypothesis as a fact, and loves to bring forth completely unfounded claims such as "Evolution is as much a law as gravity".
Evolutionist: Man evolved from ape.
Normal person: Can you provide any proves?
Evolutionist: uhmmmmm... get out of here, you religous fanatic!
by TheEasyWay March 19, 2009
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One becoming thotty and looking for sugar daddy/zaddy.
by Smi88 May 3, 2021
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