You are trying to get famous on tik tok and u a big fat bitch
You are etsi
by Its cutiepie June 10, 2020
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A Greek expression meaning "so so".
Greek:"Pos eisai?" English: "How are you?"
Greek:"Etsy ketsy" English:"So-so"
by Trella November 20, 2010
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Often described as aqua or teal. The color is popular on etsy and noteworthy on bridesmaids dresses and poorly painted dressers.
My wife will pay the $250 markup on this piece of furniture because it is etsy blue.
by James Island thriller March 29, 2016
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Short phrase, used to threaten the listener of the speaker into not doing something they've just spoke of. Similar to don't you dare, but it more accurately translates to "if you go and do said thing, I will make sure there are consenquences".
Speaker 1: I am going to tell your mum about what you just did!

Speaker 2: Etsi kai!

Speaker 1: What will you do? Deny it?
by Hmanasou23 July 28, 2021
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An expression one uses to say that things are okay, all right, nothing special, kinda lousy really. You can also use it to rate somebody or soemthing as "so so."
"Hey man, how ya feeling today?"
"Eh, etsy, ketsy. You?"


"How was the movie?"
"It was etsy ketsy."
by tomor August 25, 2006
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Symptom of a disorder caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain, which is stimulated by compulsive online consumerism of the Etsy website. These episodes are characterized by the impulse for instant gratification, momentary lapses in financial responsibility, incapacity of self-control, and involuntary right-clicking on the “add to cart” button. Side effects include buyer’s remorse, spontaneous exclamations of beguilement (or awwing), post-consumer aura, and memory loss. Studies have shown that the long term-effects include economic hardship and excessive accumulation of vintage, ooak, or DIY products. EEG (electroetsyography) technology can be utilized to observe brain activity during an episode. Currently, the only known effective treatment is total avoidance of the internet.
“This steampunk Etsy shop has great merchandise- I’m having an etsy-leptic fit over all of the tiny hats and goggles.”
by luvpickford June 29, 2011
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