A drawing toy with a gray screen surrounded by a red plastic frame. There's 2 knobs, 1 at the lower right to move horizontally & 1 at the left to move vertically~a stylus displaces aluminum powder to create visual fun pictures. Really Fun! When I was a kid, my Mom accidentally stepped on my Etch-A-Sketch & the aluminum powder stuck to her shoe! She ended up throwing that pair of shoes in the trash & it taught me to take care where I placed my Etch-A-Sketch!
I drew a map of the USA on my mini Etch-A-Sketch in about 5~10 minutes! So Very Awesome! You can make lots of drawings of anything on an Etch-A-Sketch.
by Starchylde June 20, 2016
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Trying to draw a smile on a woman's face by twiddling both nipples
by Karlito April 20, 2003
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The classic drawing tool that uses two knobs to create a drawing using a magnet and metal shvings, Notoriously difficult to create anything intelligble. Often comes on a key-chain.
I spent hours doodling on that Etch-a-Sketch but never got anything but Cubism.
by CsvlDaikun April 23, 2005
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A term used to describe a situation or person of a shady/sketchy characteristic. Also a variation of hella sketch.
"Dude that dealer looks etch-a-sketch"- David
"Yea dude, i think we should leave and avoid trouble"- Sarah
"Good idea you always give great advice"- David
by Jiaaaa July 17, 2008
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When used as a verb, it can mean to rock one's head forcefully back and forth in an effort to erase a supremely unpleasant thought or memory.
After seeing his grandmother nude, he etch-a-sketched in an attempt at avoiding lasting psychological damage.
by Smarter Guy June 28, 2009
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Facing your woman, both of you naked, take both of your hands, grab both of her nipples with all of your fingertips, and tickle her nips.
If I ever meet Pam Anderson, I'm gonna ask her if she wants to see me Etch-A-Sketch.
by Peter Crammer May 4, 2006
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A word for another chance or a re-do. Originating from the 1950’s toy in which you need to shake to erase. Most commonly used in the north-east United States and becoming ever more prevelant in daily conversation.
Rob: Christina, this cake isn’t bad.

Christina: You don’t like it do you?

Rob: “etch-a-sketch”, it’s sooo good!
by Bobhook149 January 5, 2019
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