An Eshay is a Aus lad who goes around tagging stuff and that, they also talk tuff and shit. They usally were
Polo Shirts
Tns, 270s, Tailwins or gels
Bum Bag
They usually wear trackies as well.
they normally smoke, and play Aussie drill on their speaker that they racked from a store.
They normally scream eshay and eshlad and shit. They normally rack clothes and food because they are poor or because they want to be cool.
They normally hang in gangs and like to fight people fven though they are shit at it
Follow @FlameClanOCE and @_JackFalzon.040_priv on tiktok
Eshay ''Eshay brahh just racked some new N Tays bruhhh, it was sick and that lad. Eshaayyyy''
by 040_Jack November 18, 2020
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thou art eshay shalt be thou thee thy cousin thou art name of thee thy massi
massi is an ✨eshay
by in your dad's room :) July 29, 2020
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an eshay is the Australian equivalent to a British chav they usually wear tns, fag bags, nike and adidas. They hang around in scummy areas like train stations and at the shops.
oi mate them cunts over there are definitely eshays
by yeetyamum October 2, 2019
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Word used by Sydney and Melbourne lads usually said when greeting another lad or lads it can mean cool sweet or hello
Lad 1:"Eshay whats happening lad"

Lad 2:"Eshay bra just got back from centerlink"

Lad 1:"Wanna go for an ession bro"

lad 2: "Hell yeah eshay to that I still got a stick on me from last nights ession"

Lad: "Eshay I got some beers at home to"
by Harry69 January 30, 2011
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One of those high school scums who thinks they can fight and the wear polo, nautica or Tommy Hilfiger. If there the top eshay they smoke with there older friends.
Look at that eshay tryna get the smokes from that old druggo
by Roll a dubby for scooby August 14, 2019
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Eshay is a type of person. If you miss up they fuck you up. They also say eshay baaa
by Knowledge the more u know June 19, 2021
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"Eshay" is a from of slang used by high school kids. An example of an eshay is Jai. Eshays smoke and drink, this is what Jai does.
"Get of me you eshay!"

"That's so dog!"
by pickle stick September 3, 2018
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