my hero, my inpiration, EVERYTHING. Slm Shad is da shit. he deserves so much more respect than others. ya'll motherfuckers who diss him don't respect talent. ya'll just fucking jealose or racsist. can't you motherfuckers look past colour?? or do something "worth your time" rather than wasting your time on hate sites? you moroms need a fucking life!!!
eminem is my inspiration. he is so amazaing and so talented. no one can make you feel emotion as much as him. i love you, man.
by ashans_worst_nightmare July 6, 2004
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A FUCKING GREAT RAPPER! who is commonly confused for being the best rapper alive, although incredibly lyrically talented, he is liked by the fucking ignorant white suburban teenagers who define urban dictionary. the same ignorant chodes who call Lil Wayne a shitty pop mainstream rapper. YOU DO REALIZE LIL WAYNE HAS HAD LIKE ONE SONG ON THE TOP 40 CHARTS LIKE EVER? Have you heard eminems new album? Rihanna? Pink? how more poppy mainstream can you get???!! and dont even mention this little bitch ass yungin called B.o.B. people say hes saved hip hop! the most mainstream thing on the planet. i live in DC and trust me NO REGULAR BLACK KIDS I KNOW LIKE HIM!
Lil Wayne is the bet rapper alive! his metaphors are out of this fucking world! too bad lolipop is some shit, maybe i should not be ignorant and listen to his good stuff on the internet. man i wish Eminem/Slim Shady/Marshall Mathers didnt go all pop on us. This B.o.B kid is a lil bitch!
by therealfukintruth September 21, 2010
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untalented and has a voice of a 12 year old, grabs his crotch like he has a bad case of Herpes, and seems pretty homo for a homophobe. paper white and bleach blonde but acts like he could actually hang out in the "ghetto" and not get his ass shot.

see also wigger
by EmO BoY April 28, 2005
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Eminem ( his artistic name ) , slim shady ( the name he gives to his "bad side" ) , marshal ( his real name ) is a rapper ( the best rapper ever )
"do u like Eminem , Slim shady , Marshall Bruce Mathers ?"


by arealstan April 13, 2021
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